Aberdeen-Angus breed
The Aberdeen-Angus breed has become widely spread in the world for its high tendency to early maturity as compared to other beef cattle breeds. They end their growth earlier and tend to gain fat in meat earlier as well. Quality of meat is high, meat is tender, fine-fibered with good marbling.
Angus is a truly international breed, they are the dominant breed in the USA, Canada, Argentina, New Zealand, and Australia.
In Australia one in four cattle registered are Angus plus at bull sales, 30% of cattle sold are Angus.
Angus has also spread to South Africa, Brazil, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Spain, Germany, and of course they still remain popular in Britain.
Height at withers is about 130 cm
Live weight of full-grown bulls is 750-950 kg, some individuals reach 1,000 kg
At calving, the weight of the bull-calves is 25-28 kg
With intensive feeding of bull-calves by the age of 15 months, they reach 450 kg of live weight
Slaughter yield of meat about 65-70%

Country of origin, Scotland
South Africa,
North America
South America