Jersey breed
The Jersey breed of cattle is one of the oldest fat-milk breeds in the world. Its origin is on the island of Jersey located in the La Manche Channel near the coast of France with a mild marine climate and almost year-round grazing on good pastures. This breed was developed and improved already in the 18th century with the main purpose of producing butter from its milk. In the early 19th century, cattle became widely known and began to be imported to England, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, and Africa.
The Jersey cattle is strongly pronounced dairy breed with a light thin skeleton (pastern size 15-16.5 cm) and dense dry musculature
Jersey cows’ bodies are flat and stretched, with a sagging backline, the chest is relatively deep (63-65 cm), but not wide (37-38 cm)
The head is light and small with strongly developed eyebrow ridges, the forehead is not broad with a depressed profile, and the neck is thin
The udder is rather voluminous, cup-shaped, with widely spaced nipples
The Jersey breed has light brown and red fur, but there are also animals with dark and white markings on the limbs and lower part of the body. The front of the muzzle is dark, with a light ring of hair. The hair on the inside of the auricle and the lower part of the body is light, however, the udder is also dark
Dairy breeding cattle

Height of full-grown cows at the withers is 120-130 cm
Weight of full-grown cows can vary, on average it weighs 360-450 kg. It should be noted that the weight of Jersey cattle varies from country to country, for example, in the United States there is a larger and stronger type of Jersey
Weight of new-born calves is 18-22 kg
Milk productivity is 3,500-6,000 kg during standard lactation
fat content of 5.2-7.0%
protein content of 3.7-4.0%
Best registered Jersey cows have productivity about 8,000 kg of milk during one standard lactation with a fat content up to 9.0%
Meat qualities of this breed are low
Jerseys are very well adapted to different geographic areas, hence the distribution of the breed in different countries of the world is due to good milk productivity and exceptionally high-fat content in milk.